Thursday, April 2, 2020

Easy Workout Videos. Enhanced Community Quarantine Day 19.

April 2, 2020. Thursday.

Still on Enhanced Community Quarantine. Day 19. What are you guys up to, in between eating and talking about food, and praying that this will all be over soon? Well, since we all turned into health buffs because of this health scare, I included working out into my daily routine. I have always wanted to go to the gym but the realities of life always gets the best of me (I am just lazy) and it has been years that I have been putting it off (as in super lazy haha). But since we are confined to our homes with nothing to do, we might as well include a daily workout routine. Bless those who are really into working out,  sadly I am not one of those folks. Luckily there are very easy workout videos available on YouTube. I swear if I can tolerate a 7-minute vid so can you right?

Here are two very easy clips. I am not into the challenge, the promise of a flatter tummy or leaner arms...I just wish I can really do this every day. If it turns out that way is already a bonus. Whatever motivates you, do it! Whatever works for you is best.

Well, there are lots but we can all start with the easiest vids. More quick and easy vids at Lucy Wyndham- Read YT Channel. We do not want to get so overwhelmed with working out, so let us all take baby steps, shall we? It is pretty simple, we can all start with 14 minutes per day to 'move it, move it' and who knows maybe we can all adapt this healthy habit into our lifestyle. Let us all get our hearts pumping and sweat it out a few minutes any time during the day (or night since we all have the time in the world during this quarantine). Yes, in between snacking haha, daily chores, working from home or while we are watching the news, we can all do this, yes? yes?

You can of course work out while listening to your favorite music. I myself turns up the volume to my Super Junior Timeless Playlist, starting with 2YA2YAO  while I do this simple workout.

Love my KPOP Kings, Love SuJu! But that is another whole post altogether. And just like that its Friday again tomorrow. Another weekend.

Amidst this pandemic, let us not forget to pray for our situation to get better. We are all in this together as humankind. Let us not forget that with cooperation, being united, and fervent prayers, nothing is impossible. Peace and Love. Zee.

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